is titanium?

Titanium connecting rod |
Titanium is an extremely strong yet lightweight
metal which also has the added benefit of being corrosion resistant.
Titanium can be combined with other metals like iron, aluminium
or other metals and elements to produce durable lightweight alloys
for use in high-end machines, tools and other products including
jewelry and watches. Titanium is often left unpainted as it has
an attractive matt grey/beige color itself.
Titanium is widely available in the earth's crust, and it is not
rarity that makes it an expensive metal to obtain. Instead it
is the fact that it is difficult to extract from the various ores
in which it occurs and process into its pure form.
Titanium started to be used in the 1950s in Russian military applications
and other nations soon adopted the material as it was perfect
for the high stresses and harsh conditions which military vehicles
are subjected to. Titanium was initially used in fighter aircraft
and submarines, and it continues to be used in similar roles to
this day all across the world.
As always the use of new, cutting edge materials eventually filters
down from the military into civilian applications. And as the
process of extracting the titanium became cheaper and faster,
adoption of titanium as a manufacturing material grew.
Today titanium can be found in many vehicle related items. It
is often used to create high-strength engine components for high-performance
and racing vehicles. It is also used to create incredibly stiff
and lightweight chassis and frames for motorcycles and cars. It's
still not commonly found in the everyday family car, but as always,
time will rectify that.