Works C-Quester Concept Images

Entry |
access top hatch |
Depth |
ft, 50 m (100m for CQ2 and CQ2) |
Speed |
- |
kg / 6283 lbs (C-Quester 2) |
Personel |
(C-Q2) / 3 (C-Q3) |
U-Boat Worx, a company based in the Netherlands, created the
C-Quester submersibles for private and commercial users who
require a small, easily operated submersible for pleasure or
work related activities.
Ever since Cousteau commenced the popularization of SCUBA diving,
the world's oceans have come a step closer for mankind to explore.
Now, almost 50 years after the invention of the 'Aqualung' and
four centuries after the maiden voyage of the world's first
submarine, U-Boat Worx introduces the C-Quester 2 and C-Quester
The C-Quester is based on the idea of and 'underwater boat'.
This means the craft is easily launched and operated in all
waters, regardless of depth, and a support vessel is not required.
U-Boat Worx designed the C-Quester as a one-atmosphere submersible.
This means there is no pressurized atmosphere inside - it's
the same as the atmosphere outside. Because of this the C-Quester
can dive to its maximum depth of 50m (150 ft) and return again
at the operators discretion, without the need for decompression.
The time spent underwater is only limited by the life of the
electrical power supply.
U-Boat Worx' vision is challenging the current mindset on submersibles
and introduces new opportunities to private persons, yacht owners,
and professionals by delivering safe and easy-to-handle submersibles.
This way U-Boat Worx is laying the foundation for a new leisure
and commercial market for subsea activities. To achieve this,
U-Boat Worx has done extensive research and development and
is the first to apply series production that is able to deliver
consistent superior quality, endorsed by Germanischer Lloyd
classification of each individual submersible.
- Germanischer Lloyd Classification
- Outstanding endurance with Lithium-Ion Battery Technology
- Underwater Boat Concept:
- Best-in-Class surface manoeuvrability and speed
- Unchallenged freeboard
- Unrivalled stability achievement
- No expensive support vessel requirements
- Zero-entanglement Design
- Genuine 1 Atmosphere Dry-Type Submersible
- Low Maintenance - High Pleasure
- Modular design for easy exchange of parts
- Variable Ballast Tank for high precision trimming
- Launch from trailer ramp
- Lifting with hoist or integrated lifting points
- High passenger payload
- Easy mooring and docking
- Powerful Air conditioner System
- Different Seating Configurations
- Low Storage Height (1.98m / 6.5 feet)
- Low Weight (2,850 kg / 6,283 lbs)
- Quick Mobilization
External review by Marcio Gioci:
I saw the CE2, CQ2 and the CQ3 at the Monaco Yacht Show this
year. The subs were amazing! A lot of submersibles builders
don't have prototypes, but they only have renders or pictures.
Well I think you can only sell these thing by experiencing how
it is to dive with one. U-Boat Worx had Yellow CQ3 where people
could take a test dive with. So Awesome!
Off course I wanted to know everything about the subs and saw
that this site did not know the top speed. Well all the vessels
have a surface speed of 4 knots and underwater speed 2 knots.
I found it really slow but the logical answer they told me is
that if you go faster you will not be able to observe and admire
the beautiful underwater world.
I think I am becoming a big fan! Till next year at the Monaco
Yacht Show I hope.
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