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Buick Avant GM LAB Small Premium Buick concept car

Buick Avant GM LAB Small Premium Buick concept car

Buick Avant GM LAB Small Premium Buick concept car

Buick Avant GM LAB Small Premium Buick concept car

Buick Avant GM LAB Small Premium Buick concept car

Buick Avant GM LAB Small Premium Buick concept car

Buick Avant GM LAB Small Premium Buick concept car

Buick Avant GM LAB Small Premium Buick concept car

Buick Avant GM LAB Small Premium Buick concept car
Make Buick
Model Avant
Concept year 2009
Production year -
Engine -

The Buick Avant, or Small Premium Buick concept which was developed by GM's designers at GM LAB (a kind of open source design experiment) is an undefined concept vehicle which is aimed at luxury car buyers who want something a little smaller. I say the Avant is undefined because instead of their being a final, finished concept there are a series of ideas and designs, any one of which could make up part of the final product. In total Buick came up with six exterior designs and four interior layouts to gather as much feedback as possible.

At the start of the Small Premium Buick project the designers looked at rapidly growing markets around the globe, places like China - where Buick already has a strong presence, and tried to develop a car which would suit potential buyers in these countries, and also city dwellers around the world.

The idea was to produce a vehicle which would offer premium level features and creature comforts, while also adhering to small overall dimensions. The designers also wanted to convey the feeling of luxury without using flashy and showy styling, but instead adding sense of quality and purity. The result is a couple of unique ideas, one is called "luggage porter", this system is designed to help lift he luggage or cargo out of the rear of the vehicle. And the other is an intelligent door system which senses when there is another car, or other object preventing the door from opening in a conventional manner, and in these circumstances it slides open instead.

Andrew Smith, one of the designers at GM LABs said of the Buick Avant; "The world of luxury is changing. It isn’t all about bling. As luxury customers become more discerning, more conscientious, and more pressed for time, there is a way to improve their lives with a small premium car.

We worked to translate these insights into useful and desirable vehicles; concepts that are about more than just styling. Yes, aesthetics are an important; they convey the owner’s tastes and values. But we also developed a series of features that consumers would find both useful and delightful.

What is a Premium Buick experience about? Relaxation… anticipation of your needs… effortless travel.

How can this be translated in a Small vehicle that is relevant in the evolving global marketplace? Efficiency…guilt-free pleasure…aesthetic presence on a smaller scale. "

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